Del Griffith, played by John Candy, is one of my favorite characters from any movie. If you have seen Planes, Trains, and Automobiles you may just agree.
Some detail of the room is accurate - the Talking Heads poster to the right of the door that is ripped, the LIFE board game that they hook the Barbie up on to create "Lisa", the green boobs on the monitor, the Frankenstein movie playing, a bra on the floor because when they clicked 'enter' both the bra's on their heads flew off and of course Kelly LeBrock or “Lisa” in the door way. The rest is just made up… :o)
Created it with a 5 color acrylic set (blue, red, yellow, white and black), #3, #6 and 1" size brushes and some sponges on 8.5 x 11 cold press illustration board (I know hot press warps less, but cold is all I got).