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Showing posts with label Week 017: Dead Celebrities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Week 017: Dead Celebrities. Show all posts

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Al Lewis, as 'Grandpa Munster', February 4, 2006 ยท NEW YORK (AP) -- Al Lewis, the cigar-chomping patriarch of The Munsters whose work as a basketball scout, restaurateur and political candidate never eclipsed his role as Grandpa from the television sitcom, died after years of failing health. He was 82.


Perhaps my favorite male singer of all time.

Django Reinhardt

Sid "not so" Vicious

I started this a few years ago and never finished it, which I guess is kind of fitting for the subject. While out on bail for the supposed murder of his girlfriend Nancy a few months earlier, his mom fixed him a lethal dose of heroin. He was just 21 years old. Thanks Mom!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Holy Schnikey

Here is Chris Farley as a wee young lad carrying his triple decker ice cream cone on a beautiful summer day when all of a sudden he trips on his shoe lace. As a child he was very clumsy and when his pratfalls received laughs he discovered there may be a future for him in comedy.

Lennon..or, Harry

So i was doing a quick one , trying to do John Lennon. well it didnt turn out so slick, but it kinda looks like Harry Potter in his older years. haha

Friday, December 22, 2006


I was thinking about the death of Hugh Hefner. Then I thought, as long as there are gorgeous women around, Hugh will find a way to stay.....

Thursday, December 21, 2006

James Byron Dean

I chose James Dean because he like many other famous people, he died at such a young age. Plus, there are some very scary facts about the Porsche 550 Spyder that he bought and what happened to certain parts of the vehicle afterwards, read: The curse of "Little Bastard" (scroll down)...

Also he didn't have a frohawk - I added it just because, lol...

As seen on the fan art page of the Unofficial James Dean website.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Hi all; this is my first post; I look forward to some goog "back and forthing!"

Hey Zee!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


My favorite RAT PACK member. His early movies with Jerry Lewis are fantastic. I just love his Matt Helm character, he's more womanizing and sexist than any James Bond has ever been. I grew up watching his films from as far back as I can remember. R.I.P.


This is a water color painting I did of KURT COBAIN. I did painted it back in the late 90's. I wanted to try something with 2 colors, I tried different combinations of color. I thought blue and orange worked best together.

Volodymyr Palahnyuk aka Jack Palance

Heres a pic of an actor who's had such a wild life you'd think it was film in itself. He was a war hero in WWII, held a heavyweight boxing champion title and won an Oscar.