Sunday, July 24, 2011
Some AJ fixes/updates...
Sorry, been off the grid for a couple of weeks.
I recently changed hosting servers, hence that AJ's topic hasn't been showing up for the past couple of weeks - we'll have to recycle the topics that were missed (Week 238: Elijah Wood and Week 239: Captain America). So, sorry about that.
Along with fixing the topic, AJ looks slightly different - so, no the page isn't broken, just doing some house cleaning, removing ads, improving load time, etc.
Anyways, take care!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Welcome to Week 200!!!
Art Jumble is four years old!
So enjoy this week of posting your best pieces! We've got some exciting new things in the works for the Art Jumble Blog to be released in the next couple of weeks:
- A new site design (web and smart phone friendly)
- Monthly competitions (more details soon)
- Monthly newsletters
- Advertising with Art Jumble
- And other little improvements...
Just a couple of stats from the blog:
- We've gotten over 270,700 visits from 12,860 cities around the world
- Most traffic comes from Arizona, New york, Vancouver, Madrid, Toronto, etc.
- Most of our referring traffic comes from Google images because Google owns Blogger. All images that get posted to Art Jumble will more than likely show up as Google image searches when people look for things. See for yourself, you might find one or two of your own posted images:
- Over 1,000 people subscribe to our RSS feed:
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Attention Jumblers
Thank you.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
AJ server move...
We had to move servers this time - the Topic Submit and the Join AJ forms at the top of the page have been down. They are now up and running on our new server, yay!
So, if you entered any info (or tried to enter) into these form fields, please re-enter your topic or to join up, if so inclined.
Thanks all,
Mark G.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Hey all prospective AJ members!
For a couple of weeks now, the "Join AJ" form at the top of the page has been broken - fail! We have been getting your requests but they would come through blank.
It's now fixed!
Please re-enter your submission to join up, if so inclined - thanks all,
Mark G.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Attention Jumblers
Thank you.
Monday, February 9, 2009
APE 2008 and Phoenix Comicon 2009 pictures...
This expo was awesome! One of the best shows we've ever been too - there is so must quality there, one must bring a diaper because you are guaranteed to crap your pants! Very nice peoples too.

Mark Geyer, David Jackson, Robert Islas and Charlie Bink
Phoenix Comicon 2009

Tom Columbus, Mark Geyer, Jim Mariano, Greg Ham, Charlie Bink, and Evan Geyer
Not pictured: Gary Ham
Monday, October 27, 2008
Art Jumble @ APE - San Francisco - November 1-2nd...
The 2008 Alternative Press Expo (APE) in San Francisco, CA is just around the corner. If your in the area or plan on going, stop by the Art Jumble table (table 531) where we'll have CAKE Volume One, various high-quality artist prints, sketchbooks, comics and plush dolls for sale!

See you there!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Happy Birthday Art Jumble! (two years)

Art Jumble has almost 100,000 hits to date, averages 5,100 hits a month, with over 214,662 page views, viewed in 5,029 cities around the world!
All this wouldn't have been possible with out YOU (the member, the viewer, the person that does a random Google search that pertains to a past AJ topic). To think it all started with less than a dozen people has grown to 253 members from around the world and counting.
So thanks all!
See where you're at on the map...
Comic-Con 2008 (Art Jumble Booth)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Red Hot Robot pictures (7-11-08 - Art Jumble Show)

(top row - left to right): Robert Islas, Nik Charette, Greg Ham, Mark Geyer, Rory Hensley and Jim Mariano
(sitting - left to right): Charlie Bink, Tom Columbus and Jake Yago
(not pictured but super imposed face on girl): David Jackson
Monday, July 21, 2008
CAKE @ San Diego Comic-Con!
If you are going, stop by the Art Jumble exhibitor table A9 to pick up CAKE, Volume One (for the special Comic-Con price of $10) and meet some of the artists involved in the making of the anthology. We'll have tons of individual artist prints for sale too!
Friday, July 11, 2008
CAKE in Arizona Republic!
Monday, July 7, 2008
CAKE Release Party @ Red Hot Robot this Friday...
Red Hot Robot
14 W. Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ
Also - there will be food, drinks and people just hanging out. Red Hot Robot is filled with great designer vinyl toys, plush toys, books, tees, gifts, etc. So if your in the area, come on out, it'll be fun!
See you there.
Below are some posters created for the CAKE release party:
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
CAKE, Volume One is here!

Hey all:
It's finally here - CAKE, Volume One! Thanks to everyone that pre-ordered the book and showing your support, it is very much appreciated.
For those of you who would like a little more info about CAKE and to see a 30 page sample or would like to order a copy, please go to the web site, located here:
Monday, March 31, 2008
Art Jumble presents CAKE, Volume One!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
AJ Art Show pictures (12-7-07)
We had a great turnout despite the rainy evening (raining in Arizona, go figure). Framed pieces and prints were sold - overall very positive feedback from everyone, artists included. All framed pieces will remain in the gallery for the next First Friday art walk in January. Even newer pieces will be up by then too.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
AJ Art Show...

Please make plans to come to the AJ Art Show on December 7, 2007. We know many of you are not in the Phoenix, AZ area - but if you are or just happened to be, please stop on by! We'll have many fine lookin' printed AJ pieces for sale from the featured artists and an ongoing slide show of many AJ pieces that are not being hung up in the gallery.
If you are not able to attend, but still wanted to know how it all went down - pictures will be posted soon after the show.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Art Jumble on MySpace...
Hello fellow Jumbler's!
This is just an FYI for all you MySpace users out there.
Art Jumble's MySpace account was recently hacked and deleted. Since then, the account has been reopened - so we currently have no friends to update about special upcoming events :'(
So if you used to be a friend of the Art Jumble Blog on MySpace, click the MySpace logo on the header of this page and Add a Friend. Please also be aware of the Facebook logo to the right of it, Facebook is like MySpace but BETTER! It has a lot less garbage ads and is very cool.
If this happens again (the MySpace account delete) for whatever reason, we'll have to keep it closed - because apparently people have a lot of time on their hands, lol.
See ya.

Friday, September 7, 2007
For those of you wondering, illosaurus is a comprehensive listing and information service for illustrators and image makers. They focus on providing illustrators with the practical tools and resources they need to run their business.