Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011 is all about Publishing

2011 marks ten years that I have been experimenting with self-publishing (of-and-on), so my resolution is to ramp it up! Be more consistent and professional!
1) I plan to release DARE: Breaking the Ice, an anthology TPB of short stories starring my character Darius Davidson (you can call him Dare...). It will include all the shorts I already published, plus a two-parter which is half done that I've been sitting on.  I will also start on the long-awaited Dare origin DARE: Shook! which I have written and started the layouts for already. If all goes well, I will start rolling out a Dare webcomic soon to help promote the books.
2) With the help of my talented contributors and friends, I will publish my magazine GhettoManga Quarterly on an actual QUARTERLY schedule! Yep. 4 issues in 2011... You heard it here first! Starting with the winter issue (the cover to which you see here. Cover art by my dude Zees Moreno) a Luke Cage tribute/parody issue. This issue should be done soon, to drop in February at the latest.
* Be a little more business-conscious: Keep better records. Be more organized. stuff like that...
* Be a better father and Husband.

Wish me Luck!