Friday, December 24, 2010

Deaded Bliss – Best and Last

It's a nice day for a bite wedding. 

When Zombies agree to take a hand in marriage, they really mean it... talk about a dead-icated couple!

Here's a gift caricature for a couple of zombie newly-deads celebrating their first deading anniversary.

Do you have that special hard-to-shop-for zombie that you'd like to surprise with a unique gift for their next un-death day, deading anniversary, ground-uation, etc.? Are you tired of hearing "Oh, gee, another brain... just what I always wanted... gurgle... glrrck... glrfft... " ? Then why not consider a zombie gift-caricature?  That's right, surprise your special zombie: contact Right-Hemisphere Laboratory, and order a swell gift that your zombie will really dig!

© 2010 Barry/Right-Hemisphere Laboratory

1 comment:

  1. Great job my friend.
    Merry Christmas and a happy New Year,
    jan :)
