Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Naldo's Favorite 5 Without File Searching for Hours!!!

Not in any order...it's impossible to pick only 5 faves for artists, it's like asking which of you children you can save -- it's just impossible!!!

But there are one's I tend to go back to - - and of course, those vary over the years. I guess the current crop of faves (in no particular order):

A) Miata Toon - A still from an animated flash piece, like an old Odd Rod!

B) Cheerleader Cop - Typical of my short comic stories - a wacky concept taken too far. Cheerleader cop is respected and feared in the corriders of her high school!

C) SST Advertisement - A one-panel for another blog that hints at things that never happened. I'm a cartoonist - I love short works, covers and one-panels!!

D) Fang girls - Standard assortment of buxom babes in a group. Geez, why don't I do this all the time?

E) Avatar - I built a Robbie the Robot Avatar to use in Second Life. I also built a Lost In Space robot -- they're great for going to the SL clubs and jammin'

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