Well boys and girls here is the grand finale. As promised this is my seventh consecutive day of posts for this extraordinarily fun topic. Enjoy!
"Red" - Wowzers! Gotta love a redhead. I created this with Col-Erase Carmine Red (#20045), Blue (#20044) and white Prismacolor pencil on pink Artagain paper. Fun times!
"Everyday Rock Star" - This one goes out to all the women out there who are completely unaware of their beauty and the fact that they're leaving a wake of men with racing hearts.
"Which way to the car show?" - I'm not a motor head but the lovely lasses that hang around care shows are enough to make me buy a ticket.
"Bedtime Baby" - Inspired by my sweetie pie in her pj's at night.
"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way." - Jessica Rabbit private commission for valentine's day.
Thanks a million for hangin' with me these past seven days. This topic was a blast! See you soon.
My Blog
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jason!