Monday, August 9, 2010

Girls Girls Girls! - Day 1 of 7

This should be a blast!
I do a lot of illustrative work in this area so I'm going to take a swing at posting up new cuties for each of the seven days of this topic. Here's the kickoff...
Are you ready for some footbaaaaaaall!? If you are then you're way ahead of me because I must confess I don't follow the game that closely. If the referees looked like this though it sure wouldn't take much arm twisting to get me on the couch!
In this case seeing spots is a good thing. My sweetie Lauren actually owns this dress and wears it out with me on the odd occasion. I'm sure you'll understand where I'm coming from when I say that every time she slips it on I suddenly feel far less motivated to leave the house.

In order to complete this illustration I had to take the dress out of her closet and hang up in my studio for reference. The look on her face when she came home that day was priceless. LAUREN, I SWEAR I WASN'T WEARING IT!!!
Before she adorns herself in the aforementioned polka dotted dress, Lauren traipses around the apartment in her unmentionables getting ready. know... I had to draw purposes.

Okey dokey. That'll kick off day one of seven for this week's topic. I'll see everybody tomorrow with new cuties!

By the way, this is my first post here on Art Jumble and I'm really excited to be a part of the family and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!

Very Best Regards,
Nathanael Lark
My Blog