Sunday, April 11, 2010

Eleven Years Ago

And things haven't changed much since then... I'm just dirtier and more awkward.


  1. Art jumble is aptly named. The opening piece needs my comment; so, I’m including why I have to speak up. The opening cartoon with the teen decorated with lovely red pimples literally glowing like car headlights and also the morphing“seventeen” teen,a combination of demonic and angelic traits is hilarious. Ah, the glorious age of seventeen. You are still legally a child in the eyes of the law. You can’t fight in a war yet. If you are a gal then, it’s statutory rape if that good looking sweet guy is over eighteen and lured you into the sack. There’s a lot going on in a seventeen year old mind. The seventeen year old can’t legally drink either. They say that this is the age guys are more potent, than any other. Seventeen is the name of the classiest teen mag. That’s been around as long as Betty Crocker. Seventeen is the age some kids graduate from high school. Well, that’s just the first comic offering. The web is blessed with funny people making funny art online .This art jumble site is loaded with funny art. The Thunder Cats and Alf the kitty eating alien is bound to make you smile from ear to ear so, leave a comment.

  2. no offense olivia but your rambling and anonymity makes you come off like a spammer so i'll just praise my man carlos here...

    i love everything about this one! the fluid black lines,the colors,that AWESOME blank stare and facial features, the pattern plaid button down (i had more than my fair share!),the soulfly tee(if i'm not mistaken)and that background of floating images from my/your youth make this piece a WINNER!

  3. I wish I had had only three zits when I was 17... the stare ist great... I can really imagine your dirtier (no offense), but hardly more awkward (great word!)

  4. This is great. I really like the colors in this.
