It's 1985, the bell has rung and you're walking to next hour when you see a guy; he's got long hair and wearing an AC/DC concert shirt. You mutter to yourself, "Stoner." He only cares about parties and metal and every other word is "dude" or "wicked" .......I was the stereotype, and I have a "wicked" vintage '85 folder to prove it. Revel in it's 80's awesomeness and have a laugh!
"Do Bongs" and "school Sucks" are my faves on this. Did you ever get that Lamborghini?
ReplyDeleteI swear we had "Bizzaro World" parties happening at the same time in different countries.
ReplyDelete('Course, that could be one of the many homemade bongs working...)
lol i wish you loaded up your "no pencil necks" folder.
ReplyDeleteyeah i agree with Jim. "school sucks" and "do bongs" are my favorites.
oh fuck, the Lamborghini logo has sparkles, nice touch.
brilliant. this is vintage.
ReplyDeletemy folders were filled with 80s super heroes. ill have to find mine and post them on my art blog.