Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Attention Jumblers

Please be a considerate member of the Art Jumble community by posting in moderation. Other members would like to share their work as well without being pushed all the way down the page. Art Jumble is not for use as a personal portfolio so if you have an extensive portfolio of images that pertain to a particular weekly topic please post a couple of your favorites and then provide a link to your website for those that wish to view more.

Thank you.


  1. It's brutal.

    I say no late submissions, either. People do new work, and visitors don't bother scrolling down to it because they think it's work from the previous week.

  2. completely! totally! agree!

    it's a practice that continues to piss me off.

    give an inch and people take a mile...

  3. and this'll count as my anger post as i've nothing else to contribute art wise.

    at least not yet.

  4. This sounds reasonable. I think sticking to the topic seems to be of some difficulty for some as well.

  5. i agree and I'm sorry for my late submission.... But It's my first post on the blog and I like to post this one that I've done for Art jumble.

    sorry about it

  6. I agree. Post hogs are becoming a nuisance and in my opinion dragging down Art Jumble.

    For late topic posters, I suggest that late posts still be valid but just have their post dates adjusted so the post appears in the week it was intended that way all new topic posters end up on top.

  7. Nice, true that Greg. If they forget, I'll just adjust it for them (post date).
