Sunday, October 11, 2009

Brazilian Mona Lisa

Hey all,
I decided not to corrupt your children with
a topless pic.
However, if you'd like to see the original pic, I
posted it at my blog here...  My Blog!!
I'm having a tough time photographing my traditional work
so any tips would be greatly appreciated.  The detail gets lost
and every thing seems so yellow.  I thought I'd try indirect daylight,
but that can be kind of tough too.

1 comment:

  1. 1) Use a tripod, or at least a firm surface to rest the camera;
    2) Make 2 pictures, and in one of them place a sheet of white paper, or something that you know is neutral, over the artpiece; then you can correct one, save the correction and apply it on the other;
    3) You can use direct or indirect light, but it's better if you fill it with sheets of white paper, opposite from the direction of light.
    Rodolpho Pajuaba
