Monday, October 13, 2008

Turkey Leftovers

Today is thanksgiving here in Canada (so any other fellow Canadians celebrating Happy thanksgiving).
One of the few ways we try to differentiate our fellow brothers south of here.

So I came up with the idea thinking about what might happen to Turkey Leftovers.


  1. happy thanksgiving!, I'm stuck down here in Albany New-york, so no turkey for me, and the day befor they celebrate it here. I heading back, its a sad year for me.

  2. hehehe ... Yes us Canuck's do eat the bird a bit earlier but what a tasty bird it is. Zombie turkeys could taste good too with a lil' gravy.

  3. aww man Sorry to hear that jason, well theres always turkey during xmas? Maybe someone will save you some left overs.

    hmmm zombie turkey.

  4. I love the approach on this turkey. Very cool and creepy.
