Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The RNC comes to town

The RNC has come to town, and people start tipping over garbage cans and breaking windows. Me? I drew a comic strip for our local independent (read: free) paper.

Created entirely on a Wacom Cintiq. (First one I've ever done this way - weird to not have an "original".)

Happy birthday, Art Jumble! Congratulations, and good job, Mark.

Kelly McNutt


  1. hehe...great job, really like the storey!! nice designs too. the cintiq drawings are looking great, i'm hoping to get one later this year

  2. looks great, you wouldn't know how it was done.

    the hi-lighting in the last panel's really nice!

  3. lol! That's so cute! Cool rendering in the last panel too :)

  4. very nice! Like the old comic strip style!
