Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Talk About Green...

After much swearing and table banging, my first Illustrator image. Man, do I hate this program. I'm assuming after outrage, impatience and bewilderment, defeat, understanding and acceptance will eventually prevail.

A big "inspired by " to Ragnar (?). I think that's right...


  1. mr. wilson, this is fantastic. i really like the hair design and hands. very cool homage.

  2. Nice use of positive/negative space!

  3. craig,

    while everyone eventually finds the application that works best for them, I encourage you to keep at it with illustrator. It is very powerful and allows you to designs, compose and create on an enormous scale.

    I know it can feel like a 24 gear Big Rig or the cockpit of the space shuttle at times, but I think you will really get a lot out of it in time.

    And this is a great piece with good contrasting linework. nice job.

  4. Looks GREAT to me... keep with illi. Its my current weapon of choice and I cant imagine really using anything else. What you said about Illustrator is the same way i feel about Photoshop. But vector art is sooo worth the growing pains of learning a new program. Keep it up!

  5. Great Craig! Ragnar is a huge inspiration for many of us.

  6. great pose great perspective great face great hands...

    you get the idea....
