Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Back Alley Fairy

I really liked the B&W of this, so I posted it too....Let me know what you think works better!


  1. great interp of the theme!

    both are good but if i had to choose i'd say i like the B&W version better because the stark white wings are more prominent as opposed to the color wings which have color gradations in them making them look more like back lighting.

  2. Hard to say which one is "better". They're both very strong. The B&W gives a frank miller feel but the coloured one really feels like a dark damp dirty alley. Great work craig.

  3. Thanks, guys!

    It's brush & ink, scanned, and coloured in photoshop.

  4. liking both, but I have to say i am digging the color more, nice job.

  5. Super nice, I like the b/w version better personally.

  6. Wonderful work! I think the colour version is so intriguging! will be back to see more of your work!

  7. Love the concept and your execution. I think I lean towards the colored version only because it clarifies the facial features a bit more than the B&W, but your inks are obviously strong enough to hold their own. I think the color just enhances :)
