Tuesday, October 30, 2007

N is for NERD!

N is also for NEW -- I'm KJ and this is my first post at Art Jumble.

This is Miss N is for Nerd. She's part of a series of paintings I did called Alphababes (you know, A is for Angel, B is for Bridesmaid, C is for Cheerleader, and so forth):

She thinks doing math and science are fun and researching for a term paper is even MORE fun, her favorite place in the world is the library, she looks forward to summer ending so she can go back to school AND she's just about the smartest girl you'll ever meet -- she's so smart she knows that guys SO make passes at girls who wear glasses. And go ahead and call her a nerd, she won't be offended. In fact, she MIGHT take it as a compliment!


  1. I love the concept for the ABC series, do you have the whole alphabet online anywhere?

  2. Hi, Steph...


    They're in my Etsy shop (http://thedreamygiraffe.etsy.com - hope it's okay that I link that from here). A bunch of them have sold already and are under sold items, but for the ones still available, there's section for them, marked Alphababes on the right hand side of the shop (if you're not familiar with Etsy).

    I actually also have just put them altogether in one print called "All The Babes"...the picture's tiny but you can see all of them here: http://images.etsy.com/all_images/4/4fd/55f/il_fullxfull.13399121.jpg

    Thanks again!
