Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Faces of Evil

Hey everyone, just joined up courtesy of a heads up from David J ;) I tend to draw myself more than a healthy individual should, so I can definitely contribute to this week's theme!

This was my Valentine's Card this year - yes, I was single. An attitude like this is prolly the reason why.

And a collection of various mood doodles (Moodles?):

Thanks for looking! Can't wait to see who else posts this week!


  1. I really like the poop poking pic. (some nice alliteration)

    and nice censorship on the mermaid.

  2. These are delicous. Great fun.

  3. website, i need a website so that i can drool over your work and then link it.

  4. Steph
    these are fantastic. The gestures, line work and spontaneity of these doodles are a treat. Put the poo poker on the homepage of your future website.

  5. Welcome Steph! Digging your work.
