Saturday, May 5, 2007

Orpheo Enters the Underworld

So I saw this play about Orpheus last weekend. It was very modern in aesthetic. Seemed to tie in with Art Jumble's theme this week, and since I want to try and get my act together and draw, any coincidence is a good pretense. I'm a little disappointed with the colors in this jpeg - the original file seemed a lot more brilliant with greens and blues... But whatever, it's a work in progress. I'm hoping this blog will help me keep up with drawing fun things for... well... fun. Just cut loose and make things. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's contributions!

1 comment:

  1. The value contrast in this piece really make it stand out. The line work is really cool too. I hate it when my colors don't work on the computer like they do in real life and visa versa. It is an ongoing dilemma. I really like your positive and negative space on this as well.
