Saturday, December 2, 2006

Lucy the One-Eyed Reindeer

Lucy the One-Eyed Reindeer
Had a very gleamy eye!

This was one of the christmas carols my dad made up when I was a kid. Not having a radio in his Jeep (or a heater either) helped with the creativity. I have the whole story about lucy, maybe I'll share it with you someday.


  1. Sweet! Lucy the One-Eyed Reindeer clearly guides the sleigh with poise and 20/0 eyesight.

  2. That's awesome! What's even more awesome is that the flat style makes the deer look like tasty x-mas shaped jerky! Mmmm...

  3. The apple did'nt fall too far from the tree, did it ?

  4. Very funny! I really like your reindeer designs. Santa...he scares me. :P

  5. Santa probably pays good money to keep that eye nice and moist. Great char. designs, I like how their all slightly different too.
