Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Optimus Prime Is My Hero

Hey everybody,

This is my first post, woot! I'm excited to be part of this grand experiment. When I was a kid, I loved the Transformers. Whenever the show came on, I would sing along with it. "Transpormers, more than eats the eye!" I would spout while chewing on cheerios or chocolate chip pancakes. Optimus Prime in particular, leader of the Autobots, has always been one of my favorite heroes. He's a wise, noble, and strong figure that reminds me of my caring father. He is strong enough to take on the Decepticons and save the world and never thinks twice about rescuing people.

*note- I'll be coloring this in for friday.



  1. Nicely done Blaed. Can't wait to see this colored. The Transformers were a childhood favorite of mine as well, escpailly when they introduced Grimlock.

  2. Transformers, very cool! Like Greg, I would like to see the colored version. There are some real challenging angles in this piece.

    Great job so far.

  3. I liked SOUNDWAVE the best. He was a bad guy, but he was quiet and professional about his villainy. Not like STARSCREAM, he was very unprofessional. He would whine and complain all the time. But SOUNDWAVE, he was all business.

  4. I like this picture, It looks like a closeup of something much bigger.
