Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hopefully I will find some time to color this , but untill then ...


  1. Great Rory! Nice definitions and a very strong silhouette.

  2. Sweet Rory! I love the action. Nice Job!!

  3. that guy is hating his choice to leap right now... such great action lines, rory. sweet work!

  4. Great job Rory!
    forget the color draw the next panel

  5. Sweet, I really like the designs and as said before the posing is really strong. If I had one crit about the peice it would be about the 4 armed monster second arm on his right side. I see why you put the arm going out the back to try to stay away from confusing the pose up front. but when I first looked at the peice I thought the monster had 3 arms coming out of his left side, instead of 2 on each side. if there was a way to just suttley hint that the arm is there maybe instead of making it stand out so much. but in either case its a really wicked drawing. I hope constructive crits like this are welcome here?

  6. Yeah , I bigtime agree with that , I was hoping that drawing the inside of the arm would help , but it does look that way .That bothered me as well as the hand looking like it rests on the foot ...not enough tp go back and fix it , mind you , but it did bother me ....:)

  7. These are the best action poses so far this week...
