Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Jordan and his Records...

As if you didn't know Jordan loves collecting records especially from 90's hardcore bands. Not sure if anyone else can pick out these vinyl albums like Jordan could.

He has an estimated amount of 500 - 600 records, 100 of which are shown here, lol...

(I guess blogger has a limit to how big your image uploads could be; max height 1024px, I meant to upload a bigger version - huh, what ev')

(records used - most of these are posters in his cube)


  1. Two already!! DANG!

    This one is great! I don't recognize any of those records expect for.... of course... Lyndsay Lohan.

  2. Freaking awesome Geyer! Like Gary I only recognize Lohan's album cover but since this is Jordan there is bound to be Converge, Curl Up and Die and Coheed and Cambria in there somewhere. Great job! I can totally see this as a door poster you'd buy at Spencers.

  3. research AND execution... well done geyer. well done. this is brilliant.
